Board Work

Primary tabs

A. Consider/Approve 2016 Property Tax Levy (pp. 71-72)

B. Review High School Course Planning Guide 2017-18 (pp. 73-102)

C. ProjectLEAF

     i. Consider/Approve Construction Advisor Agreement for Southwest School Project

     ii. Consider/Approve Authorization to seek bids for Southwest Project (p. 103)

     iii. Consider/Approve Bids for Asbestos Removal at Geneseo High School, Northside             Elementary and Southwest Elementary (pp. 104-106)

     iv. Review High School Progress Report (pp. 107-118)

     v. Review Northside and Millikin Progress Report (p. 119)

D. Review Joint Annual Conference
E. Consider/Approve Intergovernmental Agreement with City of Geneseo for Turn Lane Project
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