Board Work
Primary tabs
A. ProjectLEAF Update (pp. 98-110)
A1. Consider/Approve Southwest School Design Development: Presented by Scott Johnson, Architect
B. Board Goals Report: LearningLEAF (pp. 111-113)
C. Consider/Accept FY16 Audit (pp. 114-115)
D. Hear First Reading of Board Policies (4:10, 4:20, 4:45, 4:55, 4:60, 4:80, 4:90, 4:110, 4:130, 4:160, 4:180) (pp. 116-142)
E. Consider/Approve Resolution Recongnizing District 228 Administrators for Principal of the Month (p. 143)
F. Appoint Delegate for 2016 Joint Annual Conference Delegate Assembly Meeting (pp. 183-185)
G. Discussion from June 9, 2016: "How can the Board assume leadership roles to serve as examples to students?" (CARE) (pp. 183-185)
H. Board Correspondence (pp. 186-187)