When someone complains to us, we will listen carefully, remembering we are only hearing one side of the story. We will avoid jumping to conclusions or placing blame prematurely. We will then direct that person to the employee in the District most appropriate and able to help them resolve their concern. We will make sure they understand the appropriate order of whom to contact, (teacher, then principal, then District staff, and are aware of any formal forms or policies that might assist them, (e.g., written complaint form). We recognize that sometimes people are uncomfortable going to the teacher, but we must direct them to the Building Administrator or Superintendent. Anonymous complaints become personal agenda issues that are time consuming and nearly impossible to resolve. This will ensure everyone is treated fairly, equally, and expeditiously, and that the processes and procedures of the District are upheld. It will also clarify that no one Board member has individual authority to fix a problem. As a representative of the public, it is important that the Board member invite the person with the complaint to ultimately get back to him if the issue is not resolved.