2. Consent Agenda

Primary tabs

  1. Consider/Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of October 16, 2014 (pp. 11--14)
  2. Consider/Approve Special Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2014 (pp. 15--16)
  3. Consider/Approve D228 Financial Report (pp. 17--36)
  4. Consider/Approve 2014 District and School Report Cards (pp. 37--48)
  5. Consider/Approve A-3 Team Recommendation that GMS 7th and 8th grade wrestling join IESA (pp. 49--50)
  6. Consider/Approve Health/Life Safety Amendment #50 for GHS Gym Roof Repairs (p. 51)
  7. Consider/Approve GHS Baseball Spring 2015 Trip to Myrtle Beach, SC (pp. 52--56)
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