Monthly Board Operating Agreements and Code of Conduct Review
Operating Agreement #4: Board Meeting Agenda
The Board’s agenda is an expression of what the board understands its work to be and how it intends to pursue that work. Typically, the agenda is a cooperative effort of the Board President and Superintendent. All Board members are invited to submit suggestions for agenda items. Periodically, the entire Board will consider important topics or agenda items for consideration in the following months.
During a duly called open meeting, Board members and District residents may suggest items for inclusion on the agenda. Such items may be added to the agenda upon approval of the Board. Since action items must be posted in the meeting notice, such items will typically be scheduled for a subsequent meeting.
Code of Conduct for Board Members #4
I will take no private action that might compromise the board or administration and will respect the confidentiality of privileged information.
Consider/Approve Resolution Abating the Tax heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay principal of and interest on the District’s General Obligation School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2015A
Consider/Approve Board and Employee shares of the increased costs associated with family health insurance premium rates as a part of the annual renewal process and in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement
GHS Course Proposals – First Reading
GHS Course Planning Guide – First Reading
D228 Cardiac Emergency Response Plan – First Reading