Operating Agreement #11: Board and Superintendent Communication Protocol
Board members with questions or comments regarding a District matter should direct the question or comment to the Superintendent. If it is a simple matter of clarification or interpretation of an issue, the Board member may contact a Building Administrator, but should carbon copy the Superintendent or let the Superintendent know of the phone call or conversation between the member and the Building Administrator.
The Superintendent will work to keep the Board abreast of information that he and the Board would deem pertinent and relevant. The Superintendent will communicate through SchoolMessenger, e-mail and other digital means, where possible. He will use regular, U.S. postal mail, when necessary. When phone calls or in-person visits result in information to one Board member that is of a nature that should go to all Board members, the Superintendent will follow up with a summary or response appropriate for all Board members.
Code of Conduct for Board Members #11
I will model continuous learning and work to ensure good governance by taking advantage of board member development opportunities, such as those sponsored by my state and national school board associations, and encourage my fellow board members to do the same.