Monthly Board Operating Agreements and Code of Conduct Review
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Submitted by adam_fluck on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 8:09am
Operating Agreement #8: The Board President
The Board is a group of seven equals; each member takes full responsibility for Board activity and behavior. The task of the Board president is the facilitation of the work of the Board and its ability to comply with its working agreements and mutual expectations. The Board president will also assume some responsibility for facilitating the relationship between the Superintendent and the Board. The Board will elect a member for this important position who is well suited for the responsibilities.
In accordance with the School Code, the Board president will be elected every two years at the Board organizational meeting following the April School Board election. The President pro-tempore will accept nominations for the position, including self-nominations. A second is not necessary for the nomination. Roll call voting will continue until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. A run-off of the top vote getters may be necessary to achieve the required majority.
Code of Conduct for Board Members #8
I will be sufficiently informed about and prepared to act on the specific issues before the board, and remain reasonably knowledgeable about local, state, national, and global education issues.
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