3. Consent Agenda
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Submitted by Migration on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 11:27am
- Consider/Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2013 (pp. 8--11)
- Consider/Approve RRCAS Financial Report (pp. 12--14)
- Consider/Approve Geneseo CUSD 228 Financial Report (pp. 15--43)
- Consider/Approve Second Reading of Board Policies 6:240, 7:100, 7:180 (pp. 44--50)
- Consider/Approve Prevailing Wage Resolution (pp. 51--54)
- Consider/Approve Resolution to Close Former Flex Fund (Section 125 Plan Account) (p. 55)
- Consider/Approve Resolution Authorizing Board President and Superintendent to review July, 2013 Bills Payable and Payroll and approve payment in lieu of July Regular Board Meeting (p. 56)
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