Student and Staff Recognition (Northside Elementary): Breckyn Granell, Adi Smith, Kennedy Armstrong, Lena Kempher and Lucy Johnson; Sarah Mosier, Tricia Girten, Julie Durian, Mindy Werner and Rachel Rice (Ladders to Learning)
Monthly Board Operating Agreements and Code of Conduct Review
Operating Agreement #3: Meetings of the Board
We will consistently abide by our formal meeting processes so that all persons are treated fairly and equally.
We understand that Board meetings are not open-forum meetings. We will keep this in mind as we conduct our meetings, allowing the public to provide input at the time allotted on the agenda to ensure the multiple voices of the community inform Board deliberations. We will review our policies relating to Board meeting management (e.g., time limits on input from members of the public), revising or re-affirming them as appropriate.
The only authority to direct action rests with the full Board sitting at the Board table during a duly called open meeting. A majority vote sets such direction. When a majority of the Board, sitting in a formal meeting, requests action, it should be made relative to the intended results, not the methods used to achieve those results.
Each Board member respects the right of the other members to vote “no” on an issue. On important matters, Board members are encouraged to explain the reasons for a “no” vote either during deliberation or before casting the vote.
I will recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a board meeting.
Consider/Approve Board of Education Email Communication Protocols
Consider/Approve 2024-25 Board of Education Goals
Consider/Approve 2025-26 Teacher Evaluation Plan
2024 Tentative Tax Levy – First Reading
IASB Resolutions Committee Report (informational)
Appoint Delegate for 2024 Joint Annual Conference Delegate Assembly Meeting
Resolution declaring the intention to issue $7,250,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the purpose of increasing the District’s Working Cash Fund, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law.