Operating Agreement #6: Board Member Request for Information
i. When an individual Board member requests information, it will be provided to all Board members. An individual Board member will, insofar as possible, work to let the Superintendent and staff know ahead of time when a request for information will be made in public so the staff can be prepared to provide a thorough answer.
ii. The Board speaks with one voice; this includes making requests for information that involves extensive time and energy. In instances where a Board member seeks information that would require the Superintendent and/or staff to create a new report or to complete extensive research, the full Board should be involved to authorize such additional work. This will help ensure relevance to the District mission, vision, goals or objectives, and helps clarify whether the request is Board work or staff work. All responses, reports, or artifacts would then be shared with the full Board. Questions that merely clarify a previous answer or to seek a report or information that had already been shared is not part of this clause.
Code of Conduct for Board Members #6
i. I will encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and will participate in board discussions in an open, honest and respectful manner, honoring differences of opinion or perspective.